Sunday, 22 March 2015

The government of Greece burst out corruption scandal

The government of Greece burst out corruption scandal
Photo: Reuters
The opposition is demanding the resignation of the Vice-Minister

In the new government of Greece and growing corruption scandal.
 Deputy Minister of Interior and Administrative Reform, George Katrugalosa suspect in an effort to cash in on the reinstatement of the dismissed former officials said on Saturday, March 22 online edition of Spiegel-Online.
According to local media, law firm Katrugalosa entered into agreements with 300 former officials, which in the case of restoration of the service must pay the lawyers 12 percent of the amount of compensation received for the entire period of the suspension.
The fee must be paid at the same time regardless of whether the officials reinstated in the posts by the court or through an out of court agreement.

The opposition insists on the resignation of the Vice-Minister

The deal promised significant income, given the fact that one of the pre-election promises leader of SYRIZA, the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was to restore to service 15,000 officers who have been dismissed as part of the international program of financial aid to Greece.
 Reports of alleged corruption caused such a resonance that Katrugalos was forced to hold a press conference. 
He told reporters that he personally did not received any income from the transaction, since repealed its partnership with lawyer Contra after the election last year to the European Parliament.

At the same time, experts note that Katrugalos is entitled to receive its share of the fee in the event of the resignation from the post of minister. "This should happen as soon as possible", - underline the opposition.

Putin wants Monetary Union in Moscow, Minsk and Astana

Путин хочет валютного союза Москвы, Минска и Астаны
Putin met with Lukashenko and Nazarbayev
Photo: Reuters
It's time to talk about the formation of a monetary union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
This was announced on Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin, reports RIA Novosti.
"We think it's time to talk about the possibility of forming a monetary union in the long term," - said Putin after a trilateral meeting with the heads of Belarus and Kazakhstan.He added that during the meeting also discussed the issues of the Eurasian integration.
According to him, "working shoulder to shoulder, it is easier to respond to external financial and economic threats, protect our joint market."
Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC) - an economic union, which is part of the Eurasian integration with January 1, 2015 is created on the basis of the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.
February 26, 1999 Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan signed the Treaty on the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space.

The future of biomethane

Why alternative energy - it is a political choice of the state
On Wednesday, March 18, the Parliamentary Committee on Energy postponed indefinitely consideration of the bill №2010, which was intended to regulate relations between the state and the producers of "green" energy at this stage. And this despite the fact that at the state level is declared interest in increasing alternative fuels.
In particular, "Naftogaz of Ukraine" is ready to provide access to domestic producers of biomethane to the capacity of Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS). The statement was made ​​in late February at the thematic debate with the participation of representatives Minenergouglya, Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Ministry of Environment, "Ukrtransgaz" NKREKU and a number of German companies.
Recent experience in the development presented biogas industry in Germany, where already produced 2 billion cubic meters of biomethane per year. And by 2030 it is planned to increase production to 10 billion cubic meters. m (10% of domestic consumption). German companies and experts in the field of alternative energy in recent years show an enviable activity on the Ukrainian market. They offer their services even in the development of what is simply no in Ukraine. For example, we do not have one manufacturer biomethane.
In addition, the alternative energy industry for almost a year in crisis because of the cuts in the "green" tariff. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, this also applies to manufacturers of biogas - a raw material for further production of biomethane. When and under what conditions in Ukraine will be the prospect of production of this gas, Forbes said George Geletukha, chairman Bioenergetic Association of Ukraine.
О будущем биометана
Production of biomethane
Thinkstock photos
Biomethane - a biogas driven to natural gas quality. In different countries the requirements of the methane concentration varies from 95% to 98% maximum. Biogas itself - is 60% methane and 40% CO² shielding gas.
As a rule, biogas plants are tied to sources of raw materials - a large farm in the countryside. Next constructed a small power plant that generates electricity and feeds it to the network for "green" tariff. In the production of electricity at a power plant also produced large amounts of heat: for example, the power plant produces 1 MW of electricity and 1 MW of heat. But her warm nowhere to go. Barns and pigsties not need heating, except that - at the minimum, so the heat is simply discharged into the atmosphere. As a result, lost a tremendous amount of energy.
to 3.2 billion cubic meters.m
biomethane year Ukraine could produce only existing waste
The Germans invented the technology, how to separate CO² shielding gas from methane and bring the contents of the last 95-98%. And then biomethane can be fed into pipelines or as a compressed gas injected into the cylinders for use in transportation. The most advanced in this respect, Sweden - there annually consumes 100 million cubic meters of biomethane. In Germany, the entire biomethane gas is fed into the network, and then goes to the power plant. And return they get through "green" tariff for electricity from biomethane. Plus additional income from the sale of heat. In this approach, the heat from biogas plants is not lost.
Today, Ukraine does not produce biomethane, but this technology has great potential, because we - agrarian country. We have enough biomass as a feedstock: many large farms and large agricultural lands, where it is possible to produce maize silage, which goes to the biogas. According to our estimates, only from existing waste could produce up to 3.2 billion cubic meters. meters of biomethane per year. Additionally there are 4 million hectares of farmland available. And if 1 million hectares of them to put under the silo, then get another additional 3.3 billion cubic meters. meters of biomethane per year. In sum, it is 6.5 billion cubic meters annually.
In addition, we have developed a network of gas pipelines: almost anywhere in the Ukraine has a gas distribution network to which you can connect. And to establish a system of accounting technologically simple: we need a counter in paragraph feeding biomethane into the gas network and the data from the meter must be recorded in the appropriate public register. In the village, where there is a guarantee to the consumer heat, combined heat and power already built. Manufacturer of electricity and heat from the network takes gas, which takes into account in its counter. But he's holding a certificate that he takes "green" methane. This means that electricity is generated by "green" tariff. Sale of heat - more profit. The main thing that was a balance of biomethane injection and withdrawal.
But do not forget the other point, which is important for Ukraine. Biomethane obtained from biogas, in most cases it will be more expensive than natural gas. According to our estimates, the cost turns out somewhere in the $ 500 per 1,000 cubic meters and above. So now biometanovyh development facilities and direct replacement of natural gas is not profitable. However, this also applies to other branches of alternative energy - without subsidies, subsidies and "green" tariffs in many cases they are unprofitable.
Traditional energy developed for decades, there is all the technology worked. A "green" energy - this is a new industry, it is necessary to give time to stand up. Typically, it takes up to 20 years, which is available and "green" tariff or some other kind of stimulus. After that, she can really compete in the market. We are still in the beginning.
Now the gas at the border costs somewhere $ 320 per 1,000 cubic meters. Delivered to the consumer, it will cost $ 400-450. And now we face a difficult question: to give $ 400, so they went to Russia, or to pay, say, $ 450, but local producers of biomethane?
But even with "green" tariff, established in law, payback period - about 10 years. Someone is acceptable, because lately there have been several new installations. The "MHP" is a setting of 5 MW, there is a "Astarte" in a sugar factory in the globin, and now another will be launched at a sugar factory in Rakitnoe near Kiev.Successfully works on a pig farm project company "Danosha." Another project began to build, but was on the front line in Volnovakha - the company "Ekoprod."
Today, with the "green" tariff disaster. Since August 2014 there was no indexation to the euro, as it should be according to the law. In February 2015, was a decrease of 20% for solar power plants, and 10% - for all others. And in March, it was decreased by 55% - for the sun, and 50% - for all others.Now the project owners can not return the loans, become bankrupt, start legal proceedings. What will happen next, it is difficult to say.
The purpose of the bill №2010 biogas sector - to improve the return to a level of at least 5-6 years.Now factor in the calculation of tariffs for biogas - 2.3, and should be - 3, subject to the sale of 100% of the electricity network on "green" tariff. But the bill №2010 allowed to sell the network only excess electricity. In biogas plants is 90%, and 10% goes to your own needs. Therefore, the required ratio of 3.15 is obtained. And with it, our calculations show that we are reaching the level of 5-6 years payback. It would be of interest to investors, and it might encourage the development of biogas and biomethane sector. Still, alternative energy - it is a political choice of the state.
Now the gas at the border costs somewhere $ 320 per 1,000 cubic meters. Delivered to the consumer, it will cost $ 400-450. And now we face a difficult question: to give $ 400, so they went to Russia, or to pay, say, $ 450, but local producers of biomethane? Cast in Russia, where the money create jobs. A $ 450 paid to local producers of biomethane, stay here. They are creating new jobs, from which taxes are paid, and they are guaranteed to cover the delta that was overpaid.
When viewed from an economic point of view, it is more profitable to overpay for the state of their own, than to pay less, but abroad. If the state will understand, we have a good chance of development of biomethane. I am sure that once the natural gas will be higher in price, it will be over $ 500. Now it is expensive, but these steps increase energy security - and therefore it must be a conscious policy of the state.

Will the IMF money "run" the Ukrainian economy

The first tranche of $ 17.5 billion directed to support the financial system
Yesterday, the International Monetary Fund announced its readiness to provide Ukraine with a new credit line under the expanded program. As previously reported, voiced the amount of funding - $ 17.5 billion, the credit period - 4 years. The main risks that accompany this cooperation between Ukraine and the IMF, are associated with the inefficient use of resources - some of which can be used to pay down debt, including loan to Russia. Also on IMF funds will replenish foreign exchange reserves of power and try to support the country's banking system. Thus, the first tranche will "zalatyvaniyu holes" in the Ukrainian economy.
Смогут ли деньги МВФ  «запустить» украинскую экономику
Christine Lagarde
Photo GettyImages /
"I am pleased to announce that the Board of Directors today approved a program for IMF EFF at $ 17.5 billion with Ukraine," - said yesterday, managing director of F Foundation, Christine Lagarde. The amount has been agreed upon in the middle of February 2015 , during the visit of the IMF mission.
Recall, the program of cooperation between Ukraine and the IMF revised since the fall . As previously reported by Forbes, devaluation of the hryvnia and the change in macroeconomic led to the fact that without a revision of the key conditions to continue to cooperate with financial donor would be impossible. President of the IG "Univer" Taras Kozak noted that Ukraine has traditionally participated in the program stand-by. "This means that the funds are primarily allocated to the National Bank, and sometimes only a small fraction of their available budget. Loans quite short, 2-3 years - and has already begun the repayment of these funds. Now we have signed EFF - a long-term program, which provides loans to both budget and
The bulk of the funds to be received by the Ministry of Finance, will go to pay off foreign debt
Vitaly Shapran, USFA
NBU reserves. And that's why there was a delay - because we moved from the stand-by at the EFF.And we need right now is massive, substantial long-term care, "- said Kozak.
In the process of agreeing on a program main points of contention arose between the government and the National Bank of Ukraine. In general, according to Forbes, questions related to the NBU to recapitalize banks and monetary policy have been criticized by the negotiators with the IMF, including due to questions about the banks associated with the first persons of the country, as well as due to the tightening of questions on the bank " Delta '. In addition, the controversial point was the government's position on "Naftogaz" - the deficit will be eliminated by 2016.
Note that the interaction program called the IMF and Ukraine, including, "an ambitious economic program." Back in October 2014 MIT professor Andrei Kirilenko told Forbes, that the reform of "Naftogaz" is one of the main conditions for the effective development of the Ukrainian economy.
Meanwhile, the financial community the basic expectations associated with a positive effect on the image-Ukraine IMF decisions. "The positive decision of the IMF program and should help provide some respite country, as well as to give a signal to other creditors, and open a window for new bilateral loans from international donors. The very expectation of positive solutions allowed, including, reduce speculative pressure on the hryvnia and give a trend to roll back on the currency, which, again, should loosen the grip of financial and economic crisis and to give more positive signals population and business, "- emphasizes investment analyst Ivan Uglyanitsa.
However, the immediate impact of the financial investments a country feel, subject to a number of conditions. Vadim Grib of companies TEKT recalls that all the money painted, because the country has accumulated a lot of debt, "Recall at least $ 3 billion debt to Russia, for the loan in December 2013. The contract stipulates that the deterioration of the situation in the Russian economy may demand early repayment. "
We are in such a state of the economy that need the money right now.I would like to obtain information about the resources of the country was information springboard that launched the process to return confidence in the banking system
Vasyl Horbal, a former board member of the NBU
"The bulk of the funds to be received by the Ministry of Finance, will go to repay foreign debt.This will lead to the fact that the National Bank of its gold reserves will not divert resources to service foreign debt. We used to have gold reserves decreased including the fact that there was a need to service the national debt. And now the gold reserves no longer need to be reduced pace because most of the funds that will go to the Ministry of Finance, it will go to payments on the national debt. And that will remain in the NBU will go to replenish the gold reserves, "- said a member of the Ukrainian Society of Financial Analysts Vitaly Shapran.
According to Vadim Grib, the IMF loan to bring positive changes in the Ukrainian economy, it is necessary to take a number of urgent measures."It is necessary to carry out the reduction of the welfare state, medical and insurance reform, education reform," Naftogaz ". The budget must balance. The population at the hands of - billions hryvnia. Need not obkladyvat middle class population and taxes, and to run the economy and develop small businesses, enabling people to earn, "- emphasizes the fungus.
Former member of the Board of the NBU Vasyl Horbal also believes that the priority for Ukraine's economy today is the return of confidence in the banking and financial system. "There are positive that the IMF decision was taken. We are in such a state of the economy that need the money right now. I admit, the Ministry of Finance is preparing for some kind of reform - says Horbal. - We would like information about obtaining resources of the country has become the information springboard that launched the process to return confidence in the banking system. " As Vadim Grib, Vasyl Horbal called a very important start lending, without which speak of effective economic development will not be easy.
Meanwhile, in the terminology of the IMF's policy of interaction between the Fund and Ukraine will be aimed at maintaining a flexible exchange rate for the stable accumulation of foreign exchange reserves, as well as - in the public administration reform. In particular - anti-corruption and judicial reform, deregulation and improve the business climate in the country.

Gas from Coal: Who will benefit

In the early summer of Ukraine refused to build a coal gasification plant, which planned to build at the expense of the Chinese loan of $ 3.6 billion. First, the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry said that the project is hopeless. And then Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, speaking in the Verkhovna Rada, called it "inappropriate": "The so-called coal gasification project lacked a economic or technological base." In Minenergouglya decided that the loan funds must be spent on other projects, and now they are experts in finding such projects, which will be effective and will be able to pay off.
In December 2013 "Naftogaz of Ukraine" has signed a loan agreement with China Development Bank (China Development Bank Corporation) to attract $ 3.656 billion under the state guarantees for projects from gas to coal - coal-water fuel technology and construction of coal gasification plants.
The credit line - 19 years, the cost of service - $ 2.396 billion. Plants for the gasification of lignite and hard coal to be built in Lugansk, Donetsk and Odessa areas of technology Shell, tested in China.Implementation of the project would allow Ukraine to save annually up to 4 billion cubic meters.meters of natural gas, provide a market for 10 million tons of coal and create more than 2,000 jobs.Start of construction was scheduled for September 2014.
Today, in connection with the termination of gas supplies from Russia, Ukraine just needed an alternative. Forbes found that coal gasification technology known Ukrainian scientists. The Institute of Coal Energy NASU this trend began to develop in the early 90s of the last century. There's even a experimental facility with capacity of 100 kg of coal per hour. More than 20 years ago, it was a good level of technology even in the international scientific standards. However, money for research work is not allocated, so the transition to industrial scales were frozen.
"Coal gasification will still be in demand in Ukraine, as it is one of the ways of reducing dependence on imported gas. Academy of Sciences and our institution - the patient, we will consistently explain officials and businessmen benefit from the implementation of this direction in Ukraine ", - saidAlexander Topal, head of the department of combustion and gasification of coal Coal Energy Technology Institute of NASU, PhD.
Scientist agreed to answer a few questions Forbes.
Gas from Coal: Who will benefit
Alexander Topal
- Why, in your opinion, the Ukrainian government abandoned the project of construction of plants for the gasification of coal at the expense of the Chinese loan?
- I think that the main reason for refusal was unsustainable conditions of the loan agreement. The text of the agreement was kept secret, he saw only a few officials. But the service credit - $ 2.4 billion, despite the fact that the loan itself $ 3.6 billion, but still under the state guarantees - a bit too much.In addition, too frequent changes of managers Minenergouglya not give officials time to understand any of the technology itself, nor what the final product in the end they want to get in the process of coal gasification, and to whom he will - for state-owned enterprises or private.
- Allegations that there is no such technology is gasification. This is true?
- Gasification technology on an industrial scale practiced for over 20 years. The construction of large industrial facilities took place in the early 90s, the three major demonstration unit of 200-300 MW of electrical power in the US alone. Today, coal gasification plants there and in Western Europe, for example, in the Netherlands - Station Buggenum, and in China. A total of gasifiers in the world built more than 500. The development of coal gasification engaged in solid American companies General Electric (process Texaco), E-Gas, Kellog-Brown-Root (KBR, gasifier TRIG), as well as European companies, for example, Shell - known English -Dutch group, which put a large number of industrial gasifiers in different countries of the world. The German company Siemens is supplying gasifiers for the same China.
US Department of Energy (the equivalent of our Minenergouglya) and the National Power Technology Laboratory (National Energy Technology Laboratory - NETL) are developing technology and continuously update the largest database of industrial gasifier. This information is available on many specialized websites.
- How much of the final products can be obtained by gasification of coal?
- Simplify the process of obtaining such chemical products. During the gasification of coal in the gasifier, the crude synthesis gas. Then it is cooled and purified. After that, a special complex processing of synthesis gas can be obtained various chemical products: ammonia, fertilizers, methanol, gasoline to substitute natural gas (or SNG - substitute of natural gas). The composition of these complexes and the cost of the gasification plant depends on the desired product. In my opinion, for example, it would be very advantageous to integrate into existing gasifiers chemical plants for the production of fertilizers.
- Why for chemical companies is the best option?
- Natural gas, which they receive, it is methane - CH4. At the chemical plant spread on its components: carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2), and have already "collected" urea or ammonia fertilizers.
Produced gasifier synthesis gas contains 85% (by volume) of the target component - the same H2 and CO. Further increases in the proportion of inexpensive reactor H2, and then one can "gather" the desired chemical products, including fertilizers, the existing processing chain. Of course, the coal must be previously prepared (grind, dry), and the resulting synthesis gas is cleaned from sulfur compounds. But at the same time as trade-products you can obtain elemental sulfur or sulfuric acid, which can be sold.
Today, per tonne of ammonia is 1250 cubic meters of natural gas. With the price of Russian gas $ 350-500 per 1 thousand. Cube ammonia production is not profitable, and chemical plants will be shut down. At the same time now there is a problem with the sale of Lvov-Volyn coal gas. This coal after enrichment could be gasified, a gasification plant to integrate, for example, chemical plants PAO "Rivneazot" and there produce fertilizer. Would then be provided with stable sales Lvov-Volyn coal in large quantities (almost the entire volume produced in the Lvov-Volyn coal basin).
Implementation of the project would carry symbolic as it is adopted and implemented in the US and Western Europe in the implementation of innovative projects. Plant with the 3000th team did not threaten to close, as well as the miners and the coal beneficiation plant local region appeared to long term development.
- And what is the ratio of the volume and price of coal / gas?
- In this case we should have news of substitute natural gas (SNG - analogue of imported Russian gas). It is important not to confuse it with a synthesis gas from the previous example, since the production costs of a synthesis gas and capex several times. Indicative figures are: to produce 1 thousand. Cube SNG need about 2.5 tons of our coal average quality. And more should be considered: for example, if the selling price of the coal is about $ 80-90 per tonne, in terms of costs derived fuel component - $ 200-225 per 1 thousand. Cube SNG.
Clearly, this is not all of the costs, and there is the cost of operation and maintenance of equipment (including salary, etc.). But even in this case the value SNG can not exceed $ 260-280 per 1 thousand. Cube. m. It is also clear that with the cost of coal production is not so simple: someone produces efficiently, and somebody needs subsidies.
The biggest margin, according to our rough calculations, it turns on the production of gasoline: per ton of A-95 goes from 4 to 6 tons of coal. There is some interest in the production of gasoline in such a way and in Ukraine. By the way, this technology is well developed, at least remember the well-known firm Haldor Topse and Exxon Mobil.
- How much is the purchase and installation of equipment for coal gasification?
- Coal gasification technology is well developed on a commercial scale in the world for large-scale production. In Ukraine, there is the brand of coal, which is quite suitable for gasification, mainly coal and lignite. Unfortunately, the implementation period of the project - about three years, as well as any other large-scale energy technology object. The cost of the project can be called only after a clear definition of the target market product. If we buy a gasifier and installation works, sewage treatment plant and ancillary chemical complex do themselves, it is between $ 40 million. If we do a full cycle, the so-called "green area", that is the level of $ 450 million for the processing of 600 thousand. Tons of coal year.
Gasification technology is complex but multifaceted complexity of production. But almost the entire chain, except for the gasifier, in Ukraine there is a well developed. Fuel - typical, it is used in all of our thermal power plants and coal-fired power units. Catalysts for the chemical process, we also produce another thing that Western companies are better. Oxygen plant, which is included in the scheme of gasification, in principle, Ukraine is able to produce itself. Everything depends on what is needed purity oxygen - or ultrahigh a 95% conventional, so-called technical oxygen. In fact, we only need to buy the gasifier.
- And so nothing to buy, and produce at the equipment, can we?
Gas from Coal: Who will benefit
Alexander Topal
- I know that many foreign companies are ready to localize production in the territory of Ukraine for their licenses. This is not some kind of a super setting. Typical gasifier - a cylindrical pressure vessel 4 m in diameter and 12-16 m in height, weighing about 200 tons. Yes, this vessel should operate under pressure - about 40 atm. And the temperature process - 1450-1600 C. However, almost all of our large firebox boilers operate at a temperature such as vessels designed for much higher pressure, has long been produced Ukraine.
Furthermore, many foreign investors are willing to invest their billions in resources, because they see the benefit in the implementation of gasification technologies in Ukraine. They do not need any loans, they are ready to attract Western investment here.But they need some assurance that there will be long-term contracts will be long-term supply of coal, because gasifier expect to work for 20 years. During this time, you can safely return all bank loans. In principle, all very good from the calculations.
- And yet, perhaps, under some conditions it is possible to supply the gas from coal for thermal power plants for heating?
- You know, to put next to the CHP gasifier or boiler to produce a first synthesis gas, then through a special complex process it into a substitute for natural gas, and then these power plants and 100 thousand leaky boiler to generate heat, for which the population in the end did not pay - well, quite impractical. Gasification - is not a panacea, it is one of systematic measures that will reduce dependence on imported gas. Today boiler that runs on gas burning should simply be transferred to coal. We propose to introduce the technology of coal combustion in a circulating fluidized bed, which allow to burn coal with an ash content of up to 40% without any gas lighting. This technology is optimal for our high-ash coal and worked on an industrial scale in the world. Now many are considering CHP this technology in the transition from the combustion of natural gas to coal.
Of course, if the price of gas will be $ 500 per 1 thousand. Cube, and Russia in general cease his delivery, can, and should consider establishing systems for the production of substitute natural gas (SNG) with the possibility of injection into gas storage facilities and complexes themselves placed next to them. Note that the production of SNG produced additional electricity that can be dispensed to the side and used for the same pumping stations, where there is such an opportunity.
However, our source said that government officials must determine whether the gasification of coal a national priority (including, of course, important measures to increase domestic production, energy saving, replacing it with a CHP by burning coal and other measures), or question the use of natural gas - it is a problem of private companies that require it.
The fact is, says Alexander Topal that Ukraine imports about 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year. But this gas is distributed as follows: 4 billion cubic meters go to the technological needs; 8.3 billion cubic meters - to the needs of the domestic sector, including heating, and these volumes Ukraine is unlikely to quickly replace the gas alternative. Of the remaining approximately 18 billion cubic meters - 5.5 billion cubic meters of chemical industry consumes the rest - metallurgy, energy, construction and other industries. All of them are mostly in private hands. And, perhaps, to save the jobs at these companies the state should facilitate the introduction of coal gasification technology, where appropriate - for example, through public-private partnerships or other preferences.

The most expensive construction projects in Turkmenistan

One of the projects of the company «Polimeks». Photos from our homepage.
Turkmenistan the largest objects. All of them cost the state treasury billions of dollars. This infographics are just a few objects, the official value of which was published in the local media.
For the construction of the tourist zone Avaza on the Caspian Sea in the period from 2007 to 2012 spent $ 1.4 billion..Despite the fact that Avaz is built and expanded power for the third year are not reported on the volume of investment.
Another is this 766-kilometer pipeline "East-West", whose construction started in 2010 and is scheduled for completion by the end of 2015th. Pipeline worth 1.5 billion US dollars will connect the major gas reserves in the south-east coast of the Caspian Sea. While there is no precise information on which countries and which route Turkmen gas flow after the completion of the pipeline.
Order to build international sea port of Turkmenbashi, worth $ 2 billion received by Turkish company «GAP». The project is being built in August 2012, the completion - 2016.
Construction of the Ashgabat International Airport. Air harbor of the Turkmen capital, ability to serve per year 14 million passengers, will cost the state treasury to 2,000,253,000 US dollars.
But all of these objects - a trifle compared with the other giant construction projects that have unfolded in Turkmenistan.According to "Azatlyk" value under construction since 2010 in Ashgabat Olympic Village is estimated at $ 5 billion.Construction of the project will be completed by 2016, in time for V Asian Games on martial arts indoors. The contract for the construction of the Olympic Village was a Turkish company «Polimeks».
Perhaps the most expensive for the budget continues to be the subject of Turkmenistan Turkmen Lake "Altyn Asyr"."Azatlyk", referring to the information obtained from public sources, reported that the creation of the lake in the Karakum Desert has already spent 6.5 billion US dollars, and the construction of this seems to have no end in sight. No one knows how much money is still required in order to ensure a regular flow of drainage water from all the regions in the cavity in the town Karashor, so dug in the sand lead-collectors were again covered with migrating dunes.
In infographics radio "Azatlyk" are some other large-scale objects, but their total value is not announced by the authorities of Turkmenistan. Among these objects, in particular, called the 700-kilometer section of the railway Kazakhstan-Iran-Turkmenitstan.

Police opened fire on protesters Turkmens

According to reports radio "Azatlyk" March 16, the police district Karkin Afghan province of Jowzjan opened fire on ethnic Turkmen - Karkin residents gathered in front of the local administration. Hundreds of people gathered here to protest the actions of border guards of Turkmenistan on an island formed by the middle of the border river as a result of the constant undermining of the coast from the Afghan side.According to reports, the protesters threw stones at the windows of the administration building, which has led the police to open fire on them to defeat.
As a result of shooting three people were killed on the spot, many were injured, including six heavy handed with the scene Afghan radio correspondent Shamerdanguly Myradov. All the seriously wounded to hospital Sheberghan city - the administrative center of the province of Jowzjan.
The fact that the shooting of protesters and confirmed Archin Karkin (head of the local self-government body) Ghulam Rasool Karyardar. According to him, the reason for the protest actions were the Turkmen border guards, who on the eve of March 15, expelled from the territory of the disputed island residents Karkin who came here to graze cattle and gather wood.
Island formed in the flood plain of the Amu Darya as a result of undermining and collapse of the Afghan bank of the river, for many months, remains a subject of dispute between the Turkmen border guards and residents of the Afghan Karkin.Ethnic Turkmen, who constitute the majority of the population the county, have repeatedly demanded that the authorities of the province and the government of Afghanistan to resolve the question of the ownership of the island.
Radio "Azatlyk" reports that this is the second since the beginning of this year to protest the construction of Turkmenistanfence lines on the disputed islands. February 27 thousand karkintsev got together and put forward their demands to the authorities of the two countries. Soon the region, a delegation from Kabul, whose members promised locals to resolve a controversial issue at the intergovernmental level. But things are there. This has led to a new karkintsev protest action.

More than 7 GW of large-scale solar projects will be implemented in Europe in the coming year

Of the 29 thousand solar projects around the world, according to IHS Database of Solar Energy (IHS PV Project Database) it was found that Europe accounts for 7 GW of projects planned for construction in 2014 and 2015 - 69 percent of which will be in the UK.
Analysts study showed that the solar sector the UK ready for a serious push growth photovoltaic systems in the country over the next 18 months - only mount solar projects ground to grow by more than 4.8 GW.
IHS Consulting Group reports that at present, the UK is building nine large-scale solar projects with a total capacity of over 130 MW. Another 681 MW of solar power distributed among 71 projects, each with a capacity of 5 MW or more, which were approved, planned, paid for and ready for construction. In addition, another 250 large-scale projects are under development, but they are all awaiting permission from regulators and analysts agree fears about the possible abolition of state benefits in the field of solar energy that can put these projects into question.
"After the July 7, 2014, we will know the outcome of the process to revise the program to support large-scale photovoltaic plants in the UK, which is the Department of Energy and Climate Change (Department of Energy & Climate Change - DECC) initiated in May," said a senior analyst at IHS, Josephine Berg ( Josefin Berg). "If the result of the process will be the termination of state support for large-scale solar projects April 1, 2015, we expect a rapid race among companies in order to finish their projects on time, and splash ground mount solar installations in the UK in the next nine months.
"Given that the country has more than 4.8 GW of planned projects, another 3 GW can be installed in the first quarter of 2015. Britain has become the epicenter of the European installation of solar systems, ground mount. "

According to the consulting group IHS, the UK will dominate the market for large-scale photovoltaic plants in Europe over the next 18 months
As for the other part of the European continent, the French PV market has been particularly active in the sector of large-scale projects, with 974 MW of capacity in various stages of implementation. 515 MW of that number, came to the project with a capacity of more than 250 kW, the tender for which was completed back in 2012, but is currently less than 25 percent of these projects have been put into operation, and another 142 MW of projects under construction.
In Italy, the green tariff version 2013 caused a rapid surge of registration of multiple large-scale photovoltaic projects of the country.
Russia in 2013 issued a license for the construction of photovoltaic objects, with a total capacity of 399 MW, the first of which is expected to be put into operation next year.
Germany, despite the significant reduction in green tariff, has 202 MW of solar projects ready for construction before August 1 of this year, while in Romania this figure is 215 MW, despite the current uncertainty in the area of ​​energy policy.
Based on the IHS databases on solar energy, it can be concluded that allegedly planned 7.5 GW of solar projects are unlikely to ever materialize in Europe, due to unfavorable market conditions. Spain - the most unlucky player in this market - about 1.5 GW of planned mega-projects in the country were canceled. In addition, the construction of solar facilities failures were recorded in Romania and Turkey, although the latter still intends to build solar projects with a total capacity of 600 MW, which were obtained on a competitive basis.

United States imposes tariffs for major importers of Chinese solar panels

Ministry of Commerce of the United States imposed a duty on imports of Chinese solar panels made of certain components, arguing that manufacturers extract serious benefit from the dumping of subsidies from the Chinese government.
Tariff rate will range from 18.56 to 35.21 percent, according to a source in the US Department of Commerce.
Decision in a sensational trade dispute, it was decided on the basis of the main claims in the petition, which sent a manufacturer of solar components SolarWorld Industries America. While the decision has not yet entered into force and is not the exact wording, but implied that the United States will start to collect toll on the eve of the final decision, which is expected to be made public later this year.
"Today there was an important victory for the solar energy industry of the United States," says Mukesh Dulaney (Mukesh Dulani), president of SolarWorld Industries America, which is based in Hillsboro, Oregon. "We look forward to the end of the illegal Chinese state intervention in the solar market is the US, and are grateful to the Ministry of Commerce for its efforts and support the principles of fair trade."
The decision was made against the backdrop of worsening trade conflict, centered on the rapidly growing solar industry, the center of manufacturing and installation which has shifted over the past decade from Europe to Asia. Although the European Union and presented similar claims China is currently under negotiation between the parties to the conflict and the situation remains tense. The United States wants to follow in the footsteps of India, with its severe demands on localization of production of solar components with the participation of the World Trade Organization.
"We know a lot of producers who observe the rapid changes in the market, which constantly reduces their ability to sell their products at a competitive price," said Sheila Cann (Shayle Kann), vice president of research firm GTM Research, which specializes in the clean energy industry. "For many countries, the solar market is growing very unstable, and at the same time is of strategic importance."
In 2012, the United States imposed duties ranging from 24 to 36 percent on imports of panels made of Chinese solar cells. Duty imposed following the conclusion that the Chinese solar companies receive from the state unfairly high subsidies and dumped on the US market products that cost less than was spent on their production.

Chinese workers assemble a solar panel factory in Hefei, in central China
However, many Chinese companies have been able to avoid paying these fees, by assembling a panel of solar cells, purchased in other countries, particularly in Taiwan, despite the fact that these solar cells consist of components manufactured in China. Last year, SolarWorld Industries America, which is a subsidiary of the German company SolarWorld AG, gave the course of the new case, the purpose of which was to close this loophole, to the solar modules made from Taiwanese cells or cells derived from Chinese components, as well dutiable.
The company SolarWorld Industries America, which also has the support of many other solar manufacturers of the United States, expressed the desire to establish a duty of this size to offset Chinese subsidies that cause dumping situation. A preliminary hearing on the issue of dumping, which resulted in the tariff rate can significantly increase scheduled for July 25th.

Trade situation between China and the EU largely tense
However, this case also revealed disagreement within the American solar industry, where on the one hand, many manufacturers have been forced to go bankrupt, unable to withstand the severe competition from Chinese manufacturers, on the other hand, builders, installers and consumers benefited from the presence in the market of cheap solar panels . With regard to this situation, the trade between the Chinese and the European Union, there sides agreed on the minimum cost of the panels, and imposed quotas on the volume of imported Chinese modules.
However, China only exacerbates tensions, raising the cost of polysilicon for the American and South Korean consumers. Polysilicon is the base component for classical photovoltaic panels. In addition, last month the Chinese have increased the import duty for a number of European countries.
In addition, last month the Ministry of Justice issued an indictment, pleaded guilty, five Chinese soldiers in online attacks against American industrial facilities - primarily at SolarWorld. As a result, computer hacking, were abducted by financial and legal documents - all this happened after the company filed a complaint on illegal trade practices of Chinese manufacturers.

The headquarters of SolarWorld Industries America in Hillsboro, Oregon - the main fighter with the Chinese dumping
Representatives of American industry and political leaders urged the Obama administration to reach an agreement with the Chinese side, but so far these efforts have not borne fruit. However, industry leaders have organized informal talks between SolarWorld and Chinese companies in order to assist in the intergovernmental negotiations.

Houses with zero consumption - Are they practical?

Zero energy homes are also known as buildings with zero net energy consumption of the overall network, which means that a house is completely energy self-sufficient. This can be achieved by using solar energy or wind power, but the ultimate objective is the lack of acquisition costs of energy after the installation of such a system.
Buildings erected on the established technologies consume about 40% of the total energy, which is produced using fossil fuels in the United States and are a significant source of greenhouse gases. Houses with zero power consumption, on the other hand are a factor in reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels. To date, these houses are too little.
Currently, classic house designed largely the same as a decade ago, no matter where it is, except in some areas such as Anchorage (AK), wherein heat insulation is an important factor, or for example Phoenix (TX) wherein the contrary - the cooling is essential. Nevertheless, in both urban heating and cooling is performed using one and the same energy source.
When it comes to energy independence, in each case, the solution varies and depends on the local territorial features. For example, that provides the energy in sunlight LA ​​will not be effective in windy Chicago. To achieve energy independence, it is necessary to use a variety of technologies that make sense in a given climate zone. Of course you can say that solar energy is enough, but in reality the situation is different from where the building is located.
The house was built in the desert
Nordic conditions
For a start, it makes sense to reduce the energy consumption of existing homes before choosing a source of renewable energy. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to conduct a full analysis of how energy is consumed, which technique will be used (for example, using equipment that is rated Energy Star - an international standard for energy efficiency of consumer goods). Residents need to understand to what extent each device consumes energy in the house and watch this.
The next step is the selection of an energy management system (Power Management System) to control its use and turn off unused devices. Water heater to be more effective, it is necessary that the temperature of the water for use in the shower and washing up was set at the proper level, not too hot and not too cold. Almost every element of the house gives the possibility to save energy, since water supply systems, ending with ordinary lamps. 

An energy management system EMS EC-100
The best way to be aware of the volume of energy in your home is to use technological solutions. Energy management system can monitor energy consumption and control it using the data collected by smart meters. The system will also tell you how much energy your home uses electronics, security, lighting, ventilation and air-conditioning.
Each component of the home must be energooptimizirovana, including walls, plumbing, air ducts and windows. It will be hard to save energy, if the design house securely isolated from the outside world.
To begin with energy-efficient foundation using permanent formwork of polystyrene foam in the construction, it will save up to 30% of the energy of your home. Use the highest quality insulation material and close all sorts of holes through which air can leave the building. Do not forget also about the windows and doors - they are of great importance in matters of energy savings. Note the low E windows marked with Energy Star.
Where possible, you should use the largest overhangs to shade windows from the summer sun. Window shades, blinds or curtains provide extra shade, and with it the insulation.
You must use ceiling fans to avoid calcination rooms on the sunny side. Use suitable for your space heating boilers, which are not switched on and off in cycles, wasting energy for nothing. Since most of the warm air will escape through the ceiling or attic, insulation is necessary to conduct thorough work them or use SIP panels for the roof.
Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are three-layer design consisting of two oriented strand board (OSB), between which a layer of expanded polystyrene pasted, which creates a heavy-duty construction. They are used for the construction of exterior walls, roofs, ceilings and floors. Homes and buildings built on SIP technology, have excellent insulation and exceptional durability, quick installation as well as environmentally friendly.
Instantaneous water heaters as well can reduce energy costs by eliminating the need to hold 150 liters of water in a constant heat all day. Not to mention the fact that they take up much less space than the water heater, which we have used for decades, where the heat is constantly escapes through the tank wall.
If you have a fireplace, use glass doors to control the heat, which creates a fire. Most of us are already using energy-saving lamps instead of traditional incandescent bulbs, as they give the same amount of visible light using less energy, not to mention the useful life, which is 8-15 times longer than conventional bulbs.
House zero consumption, is a house that for a year consumes the same amount of energy that is produced and its territory from renewable sources such as solar and wind energy.
Generally speaking, the purchase of solar panels is a great option because once the initial investment will pay off, the owner of the property will not really paying for the electricity and renewable energy will receive virtually free. The important point here is that the solar panels are not only able to produce enough energy for households, but also perhaps even a surplus that can be sold back to the power company.
Wind power system used to rotate the turbine generator, converting wind energy into electricity. Regardless of the fact whether the wind turbine in the overall network or stand-alone costs, it can be an effective source of power in cases when you can not completely rely on solar energy, and in addition you live in areas with steady winds or flat areas. Measure levity specific location, you can use an anemometer. Wind turbines can be used as a supplement to the solar system, as well as being the only source of renewable energy.
Of course the original cost of the non-volatile home may seem high, but do not need to be a rocket scientist to understand that energy efficiency has a huge impact on the environment, as not really using a single kilowatt of energy, you actually save all three.
And here's the thing - here in the US energy efficiency is only 32%. This means that saving one kilowatt of power, in fact, you retain all three! All this leads to a reduction of pollution from power plants, to a decrease in coal production and a reduction in transport costs to move it across the country.
Nonvolatile home is absolutely necessary to establish a highly efficient solar cells.This system will allow the house including selling excess electricity back to the grid on sunny days and at the same time to buy electricity, as any ordinary house on cloudy days and at night, but with the installation of wind turbines, can be solved this problem.In the end of the year, electricity bills reach zero balance, how much energy the house spent the same amount he has generated.
Energy expert can inspect your house from the attic to the basement and to point out all sorts of improvements, and suggest on what can be saved, as well as to point out the improvements that will lead to the improvement of your living environment.
Houses with zero energy consumption not only practical, but are undoubtedly the future housing. Entrusted with the hope that the builders of houses will start to think in the context of zero consumption when designing new homes.