Friday, 1 July 2022

  Is the Fox Guarding the Hen House?: Correct me if I'm wrong but is the fox guarding the hen house? The idiom, the fox guarding the hen house is an old one. We are living in a time where telling the truth is being labeled as a crazy right-winger. Oh, man times sure have changed.

Sunday, 26 June 2022

 Polio is on the Front Pages of British NewspapersPolio is on the front pages of British newspapers again for the first time in decades. What a time to be alive, right?

For those of you who missed it, a few days ago the UK government declared a “national incident” after traces of the polio virus were detected in sewage from North London.

Yes, a “national incident”…for traces…found in sewage.

This is a massive escalation, even compared to the pandemic. Covid and Monkeypox at least had the good taste to wait for a single person to actually have the disease (allegedly) before hitting the big red panic button.

The “vaccine” Has a NEW Definition