Sunday, 22 March 2015

The future of biomethane

Why alternative energy - it is a political choice of the state
On Wednesday, March 18, the Parliamentary Committee on Energy postponed indefinitely consideration of the bill №2010, which was intended to regulate relations between the state and the producers of "green" energy at this stage. And this despite the fact that at the state level is declared interest in increasing alternative fuels.
In particular, "Naftogaz of Ukraine" is ready to provide access to domestic producers of biomethane to the capacity of Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS). The statement was made ​​in late February at the thematic debate with the participation of representatives Minenergouglya, Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Ministry of Environment, "Ukrtransgaz" NKREKU and a number of German companies.
Recent experience in the development presented biogas industry in Germany, where already produced 2 billion cubic meters of biomethane per year. And by 2030 it is planned to increase production to 10 billion cubic meters. m (10% of domestic consumption). German companies and experts in the field of alternative energy in recent years show an enviable activity on the Ukrainian market. They offer their services even in the development of what is simply no in Ukraine. For example, we do not have one manufacturer biomethane.
In addition, the alternative energy industry for almost a year in crisis because of the cuts in the "green" tariff. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, this also applies to manufacturers of biogas - a raw material for further production of biomethane. When and under what conditions in Ukraine will be the prospect of production of this gas, Forbes said George Geletukha, chairman Bioenergetic Association of Ukraine.
О будущем биометана
Production of biomethane
Thinkstock photos
Biomethane - a biogas driven to natural gas quality. In different countries the requirements of the methane concentration varies from 95% to 98% maximum. Biogas itself - is 60% methane and 40% CO² shielding gas.
As a rule, biogas plants are tied to sources of raw materials - a large farm in the countryside. Next constructed a small power plant that generates electricity and feeds it to the network for "green" tariff. In the production of electricity at a power plant also produced large amounts of heat: for example, the power plant produces 1 MW of electricity and 1 MW of heat. But her warm nowhere to go. Barns and pigsties not need heating, except that - at the minimum, so the heat is simply discharged into the atmosphere. As a result, lost a tremendous amount of energy.
to 3.2 billion cubic meters.m
biomethane year Ukraine could produce only existing waste
The Germans invented the technology, how to separate CO² shielding gas from methane and bring the contents of the last 95-98%. And then biomethane can be fed into pipelines or as a compressed gas injected into the cylinders for use in transportation. The most advanced in this respect, Sweden - there annually consumes 100 million cubic meters of biomethane. In Germany, the entire biomethane gas is fed into the network, and then goes to the power plant. And return they get through "green" tariff for electricity from biomethane. Plus additional income from the sale of heat. In this approach, the heat from biogas plants is not lost.
Today, Ukraine does not produce biomethane, but this technology has great potential, because we - agrarian country. We have enough biomass as a feedstock: many large farms and large agricultural lands, where it is possible to produce maize silage, which goes to the biogas. According to our estimates, only from existing waste could produce up to 3.2 billion cubic meters. meters of biomethane per year. Additionally there are 4 million hectares of farmland available. And if 1 million hectares of them to put under the silo, then get another additional 3.3 billion cubic meters. meters of biomethane per year. In sum, it is 6.5 billion cubic meters annually.
In addition, we have developed a network of gas pipelines: almost anywhere in the Ukraine has a gas distribution network to which you can connect. And to establish a system of accounting technologically simple: we need a counter in paragraph feeding biomethane into the gas network and the data from the meter must be recorded in the appropriate public register. In the village, where there is a guarantee to the consumer heat, combined heat and power already built. Manufacturer of electricity and heat from the network takes gas, which takes into account in its counter. But he's holding a certificate that he takes "green" methane. This means that electricity is generated by "green" tariff. Sale of heat - more profit. The main thing that was a balance of biomethane injection and withdrawal.
But do not forget the other point, which is important for Ukraine. Biomethane obtained from biogas, in most cases it will be more expensive than natural gas. According to our estimates, the cost turns out somewhere in the $ 500 per 1,000 cubic meters and above. So now biometanovyh development facilities and direct replacement of natural gas is not profitable. However, this also applies to other branches of alternative energy - without subsidies, subsidies and "green" tariffs in many cases they are unprofitable.
Traditional energy developed for decades, there is all the technology worked. A "green" energy - this is a new industry, it is necessary to give time to stand up. Typically, it takes up to 20 years, which is available and "green" tariff or some other kind of stimulus. After that, she can really compete in the market. We are still in the beginning.
Now the gas at the border costs somewhere $ 320 per 1,000 cubic meters. Delivered to the consumer, it will cost $ 400-450. And now we face a difficult question: to give $ 400, so they went to Russia, or to pay, say, $ 450, but local producers of biomethane?
But even with "green" tariff, established in law, payback period - about 10 years. Someone is acceptable, because lately there have been several new installations. The "MHP" is a setting of 5 MW, there is a "Astarte" in a sugar factory in the globin, and now another will be launched at a sugar factory in Rakitnoe near Kiev.Successfully works on a pig farm project company "Danosha." Another project began to build, but was on the front line in Volnovakha - the company "Ekoprod."
Today, with the "green" tariff disaster. Since August 2014 there was no indexation to the euro, as it should be according to the law. In February 2015, was a decrease of 20% for solar power plants, and 10% - for all others. And in March, it was decreased by 55% - for the sun, and 50% - for all others.Now the project owners can not return the loans, become bankrupt, start legal proceedings. What will happen next, it is difficult to say.
The purpose of the bill №2010 biogas sector - to improve the return to a level of at least 5-6 years.Now factor in the calculation of tariffs for biogas - 2.3, and should be - 3, subject to the sale of 100% of the electricity network on "green" tariff. But the bill №2010 allowed to sell the network only excess electricity. In biogas plants is 90%, and 10% goes to your own needs. Therefore, the required ratio of 3.15 is obtained. And with it, our calculations show that we are reaching the level of 5-6 years payback. It would be of interest to investors, and it might encourage the development of biogas and biomethane sector. Still, alternative energy - it is a political choice of the state.
Now the gas at the border costs somewhere $ 320 per 1,000 cubic meters. Delivered to the consumer, it will cost $ 400-450. And now we face a difficult question: to give $ 400, so they went to Russia, or to pay, say, $ 450, but local producers of biomethane? Cast in Russia, where the money create jobs. A $ 450 paid to local producers of biomethane, stay here. They are creating new jobs, from which taxes are paid, and they are guaranteed to cover the delta that was overpaid.
When viewed from an economic point of view, it is more profitable to overpay for the state of their own, than to pay less, but abroad. If the state will understand, we have a good chance of development of biomethane. I am sure that once the natural gas will be higher in price, it will be over $ 500. Now it is expensive, but these steps increase energy security - and therefore it must be a conscious policy of the state.

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