K resolution, revised technology, extensive video editor: After a long wait "Grand Theft Auto 5" Effect fireworks on the PC fires. The errors of the console versions are history.
4K resolution, revised technology, extensive video editor: After a long wait fires "GTA 5" Effect fireworks on the PC fromPhoto: Rockstar Games
More than one and a half years - strictly speaking whopping 574 days - PC gamers had to endure since September 2013, at Rockstars gangster epic "Grand Theft Auto 5" the leap of PS3 and Xbox 360 creates on the local system.
For indexing: At this time, SPD politician Peer Steinbrück tried as candidate for chancellor, Microsoft buys Nokia, and the next-gen consoles are still a wet dream player. You will have noticed, in the meantime, a lot has happened.
And while Konsoleros neat rampage in Los Santos, presented the waiting time even the most patient gamers in front of real acid samples. If, on 14 April, the PC version of goes on sale, all should be quickly forgotten - to promising is the key played by the editors preliminary version.
Given the nod of the art
In the best story of the striving for greatness Franklin, exiled criminals Michael and the equally bizarre as interesting psychopaths Trevor everything remains the same. Content, based on the PC version of the next-gen version, according to Rockstar Games has no new side quests or even other missions.
For this, the developers have duly turned the art screw: Improved lighting effects, more details of cars and environment and a noticeable increase in foresight stand fast in the eye. Give a hardware monster with matching 4K screen your own, you even come to enjoy the 4K resolution.
The used high-end system (i7 Intel processor, 16 GB of RAM and two Nvidia GTX 980 graphics cards in SLI configuration) showed "GTA 5" in all its glory and unprecedented beauty: Who in their cold, wet rainy weather with fuming AK47 strolls through the dazzling Del Perro Pier and the reflection of the colorful roller coaster lights seen in the puddles, taking also the arrest by cops lurking in buying for a short snapshot.
Undisturbed you can live on the summit of Mount Chiliad. Your gaze into the distance, you see detailed skyline of Los Santos and even individual car lights.During the cinematic Parachute Jump you will fly fine dust particles around the ears - here Rockstar playing tremendously with the PC muscles.
All of attitude
A power that finally hits the road: While the PS4 and one-variants are struggling with frame-rate fluctuations at busy intersections, the PC test drive runs in stunning 60 frames per second at any time constant and smooth.
This benefits both the daily life on the streets of Los Santos and the more intense action scenes. With a few exceptions in miles around even the almost usual pop-ups appear as extinct - only occasionally dive yet lanterns or trees.
More than ever, such a performance but depending on your system, thus difficult to compare. It remains to be seen how "GTA 5" arrange "normal" systems.
After all, you have many setting options are available: Out of the ordinary gradations ("normal", "high", "very high" and in some cases "ultra") are graphics enthusiasts romp in profound changes in: From the density of the vegetation out to the length of the shadow - the developers seem to shy away and any PC gamers want to meet not a gadget.
For the majority of the gaming community described 4K spheres are likely in the foreseeable future remain an expensive dream. After all, are the recommended system settings are acceptable with up to three years old components for a full HD resolution and 60 frames per second. Whether this is also possible with high settings, only shows the final test.
Photo: Rockstar Gamesdirecting and shooting sink: the developers make it PC gamers in control gratifying things easy
A tax haven
The PC version of the combination of mouse and keyboard celebrating their great "GTA" -Comeback. Which is in the midst of hectic firefight a true blessing.Just introduced in PS4 and Xbox One person perspective finds her signature role here. With the precise and adjustable to your needs control (such as sensitivity for each vehicle type) it brings everyone to the marksmen and first class getaway driver.
But before you begin a brilliant career gangster, first is the Keystroke-training.The felt endless key functions should bring even experienced gamers sweat.Remedy the simple exchange between mouse, keyboard and controller.
A handle to the input device of your choice enough to continue playing seamlessly - long changing menu is history. So probably the perfect combination floodgates open: On foot you aim with the mouse over front and rear sights, with the analog sticks and shoulder buttons on your controller to control each vehicle precisely by Los Santos.
And action! The big surprise Editor
However, the new star of the game is different: With the Rockstar Editor has quietly added joins an extensive game element. After the first rotation experiments in " GTA 4 ", the developers have the video capture and -schnittprogramm the successor powerful extended also pave the way to Vinewood hobby directors.
Targeted exploits you are sticking with the manual recording. Alternatively, you rely on the automatic recording of action-packed scenes. By pressing a button, the system records the maximum of 90 seconds elapsed for posterity. On average, you control the rest: Tracking (even simulates the way a drunk), playback speed, perspectives, filters, musical entertainment, and more.
Photo: Rockstar Gameswith director mode (icon photo) to choose the perfect scene from nearly all "GTA 5" -Protagonisten
Gone to the shark
If you prefer meticulously produce their own epic film on the drawing board, facilitates the director mode to work. Here you can influence the world of "GTA 5" to your liking and enjoy themselves away from missions times neat. You determine the time of day, play the weatherman, regulate the volume of traffic or sweep with one click the streets of Los Santos empty.
Can you not see Franklin & Co., choose from almost all the characters you meet in the game: the obese "Alien" -Zwillingsbruder (which dispenses with weapons and cars, but no one takes from the rest in the busy streets) about senior military towards the grandpa in the Walter White Memorial outfit.
And yes, even animals such as rays and sharks you have under control ... You may be curious, which created the blockbuster "GTA" -Gemeinde in the near future.
Forecast: Rockstar Games is with the PC version of "Grand Theft Auto 5" the most technically cleanest and nicest Open world succeeded - and, incidentally, the worthy completion of a game masterpiece: crisp sharp 4K graphics, constant 60 images per second, a stunning vision.
The outstanding criticisms of the console versions (frame rate problems, flickering edges, soft driving behavior, pop-ups) are at least with the potent test system history. Looks like the wait would have been worth the PC version!
Release Date: 17th September 2013 for PS3 and Xbox 360; November 18, 2014 for PS4 and Xbox One; April 14, 2015 for PC.
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