Monday, 30 March 2015

The events in Ukraine split the nationalist organizations in Russia

The Russian nationalist movement split in connection with the events in Ukraine.

Deputy Chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to combat extremism of Russia - Vladimir Makarov.

"In the Russian nationalist movement have seen splits in relation to the events in Ukraine," - he said at a meeting of the Council under the President of Russia in the development of civil society and human rights.

So, according to him, some went to participate in the fighting on the side of the Ukrainian nationalist battalions, others support the Donetsk and Lugansk.

According to the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, adopted measures to prevent the exit of the Ukraine representatives of Russian nationalist organizations.

In Russia, he said, for the last three years reduced the number of extremist crimes of a violent nature from the nationalist organizations. "For three years failed to prosecute prominent nationalist ideologues and leaders of the autonomous pro-fascist groups to carry out attacks," - said Makarov.

In February, a report by the Moscow Bureau for Human Rights reported that the activity of the nationalists in Russia in 2014 decreased .

 Some of the nationalists supported the annexation of the Crimea and the "Russian Spring" in the Donbass, others were opposed to the "Russian Spring" and interpret Square as anti-criminal and anti-corruption protest, human rights activists explained. In their view, such a split minimize the potential for the nationalist movement as a whole. This was evident in the scale of mass actions in 2014, which were smaller in scale compared to the previous year.

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